Daily Practices to Reconnect with Mother Earth

We can’t separate ourselves from the Earth – the nurturing force providing food, shelter, air and the very essence of life itself. Still, in this urban, artificial, fast-paced just-in-time society, that’s exactly what we seem to be trying to do. The hands-on practices in this guide let you reconnect with Mother Earth in your everyday life.

🌍 Have a special place you go to; in your garden, a park or in the forest

🌍 When you get there, make sure the spot is clean and tidy

🌍 If possible – keep a permanent mound/pile of soil/earth and/or plant you’ve planted

🌍 Sit down

🌍 Get barefoot and ground yourself with your feet and hands on (or in!) the ground. This gives tremendous amounts of megin. 

(The earth is negatively charged, and our bodies sometimes get positively charged, and we need to equalize and neutralize that.)

🌍 Invoke Mother Earth (chanting out loud or on the inside)

🌍 Close your eyes and just sit here, and be mindful of the earth and its rhythm, nature, the smells, the feeling of the wind, sounds, the cold or heat etc. Just take it in.

🌍 Keep being mindful, and now also contemplate on that you’re part of this huge organism, that you too are part of the manifest aspect of creation.

🌍 (Optional: Chant or drum slowly and gently while doing the two next points below.)

🌍 Feel your energy flowing down in the ground, almost like you take root there on the spot.

🌍 After a while; feel the earth’s energy flowing up into you. You’re being filled with constructive, calm and grounded energy and strength. Note how everything is interwoven, like roots or mycelium.

🌍 While saying All this is yours – pour water onto the ground, or your mound/pile – a gift nourishing the Earth. (You can also offer grains, honey, fruit, flowers, semen etc.) Mother Earth is obviously giving you gifts every day, and one of the most important things in Indo-European culture & spirituality is the principle of reciprocity. You can also learn more about this in the Hamingja Podcast episode 5 (you can find it here )

🌍 Say one or several of the 3 prayers below:

1. Earth is my Mother. I am Her son/daughter.

2. O Mother Earth, may you, rich in soil, be kind to us,
spread wide for us, make ample space and room for us,
May we live upon you happily and be prosperous.
May your rivers flow, your soil be rich and pure,
With your nurturing care, let life endure.
Bless this land we claim, your fertile ground,
With your nurturing grace, let prosperity abound.

3. O Earth on which people offer sacrifices, on which all life forms are born, and which supports all life, may you flourish and prosper.

Other things you can do before or after:

  • Forest bathing
  • Spread ashes (from previous sacrifices) in the earth
  • Smell flowers
  • Swim in natural waters
  • Eat organic food
  • Cultivate a garden, plant things
  • Offer fruits, grains, and flowers
  • Dance in the rain
  • Sacrifice a ’pregnant cow’ or ’pig’

    What if it’s winter and cold? Here are ways to still stay grounded.

    (Do some of the below things while also adding prayers and mindfulness.)

    Get out and get som fresh air despite the cold
    Make sure to get sun/daylight
    Take a winter walk dressed in wool
    Sit in front of an open fire
    Be mindful of what you see, hear, feel and sense
    Touch or hug a tree
    Hang out in your basement. Very often the floor there is grounded.
    Grounding meditation

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