Spiritual morning Challenge

Challenge yourself to practice the below spiritual morning routine every day for a week. Document what you feel & what changes in your everyday life. If you want, share with the other members in the community – you might actually inspire others!
NB that you can exchange the names Hausōs, Sehul, Dyḗus Pater, Perkwū́nos & Wéstyā to any names for Dawn, Sun, Father Sky, the Striker and the Hearth goddess you are used to in your Indo-European spiritual branch! (These are the Proto-Indo-European names.)

🌅 2-5 min of sun/daylight immediately when you wake up (if possible). There are well-attested health benefits with doing this.
🌅 Shower (or purify) in really cold water & be mindful about that you’re in contact with nature & that you’re getting rid of what society gave you yesterday
🌅 Meditate as long as you want, at least 5 min. Remember that research shows that 15 min of deep meditation  equates to 1 full day of vacation! You’ll find a guide to a simple meditation technique on this platform.
🌅 Light the hearth goddess & tend to Her (or a candle)
🌅 Light incense (if you don’t have any, then just say the prayer), mainly to Sun & Dawn, with the prayer

Let our prayers, love, and gratitude rise as fragrant incense to the heavens.
Rising like the Sun, may our perfumed gift find favor with you.

🌅 Chant or say the two mantras below, by the altar and/or in front of a lit candle

Hausōs, I pour for beginnings, I pour for light.
Hausōs, I pour for duty, I pour for strive.
Hausōs, darkness flies, hopeful skies.

O, Sehul, all this is yours.
O, Sehul, the wheel of force.
O, Sehul, all this is yours.

🌅 After these mantras, pour a libation of water (& honey, if you want)
🌅 Thank them for giving us a new day of divine light, for consciousness, possibilities & the reminder of the right things to focus on.
🌅 Pour another water libation & sing/say the last two mantras to the All-Gods

O Bright Shining Ones, At Dawn’s red embrace
May our sweetest song be carried on the Winds to all of You in every direction.
May our libations flow with the holy rivers to all of You in every direction.
May our oblations travel on the tongues of Hengnis to all of You in every direction. Dyḗus Pater, Lord of law, shine upon us.

Perkwū́nos, mighty defender, give us the power to act upon our duty.
Wéstyā, hearth goddess. May this home be orderly, peaceful and protected, blessed by the gifts the gods bestow.

🌅 Gratitude journaling – write down 3-5 things you’re thankful for today, or things you’re looking forward to

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